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Environmental Volunteering

We always need volunteers at Llys Nini, so if you want to get involved with our work, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Below is a sample of what we did in 2017 as we worked on the project!

Pussy Willow Galore

25th January, 2017

As January came, we prepared to cut down our specially grown willow and sort it into piles, ready for planting into a living maze. Also, we laid out the membrane in the shape of the maze.


What Lies Beneath

12th February, 2017

Early February saw the last opportunity to clear out some of our ponds that we'd get before the breeding season begins in earnest for newts and frogs, so the volunteers armed themselves with waders and dry suits and set to work! Unfortunately, it quickly emerged that one pond is not going to be cleared by hand, and it tried its best to drown us for the impudence - what seemed to be knee-high silt turned out to be hip-high!

But the second pond was cleared well, and the first will be revisited with a small digger later in the year.

Pond clearance

The Big Plant 2017

11th March, 2017

The horses will soon be leaving the Horse Field, which means we now have to decide what to do with it once they're gone. So in March, in conjunction with UWTSD Environment Society, we held the Big Plant - an event that saw us plant 410 trees in a strip across the bottom of the horse field to link together the Tranch and the ancient woodland along the Roman Road by creating a wildlife corridor. This will hopefully help to reverse the fragmentation of the original woodland that would have covered the land hundreds of years ago, and will improve the woodland habitats for all species.

The Big Plant 2017

Grow Wild

27th April, 2017

Having received multiple wildflower seed packs from the Grow Wild campaign, a lovely group of volunteers came from HSBC to help us plant some on site, near the dog kennels. The packs used where Field Flowers, Sensational and Mystery. What will grow from the Mystery pack? We'll soon know...

Grow Wild

Surveying 2017


Survey season begins again! As ever, Elanor is surveying the site - all 78 acres! - throughout the year, helped by a plucky group of volunteers.


Mouse Box Survey

May, 2017

In May we did a survey of the dormouse boxes onsite with a volunteer group from HSBC. Still no dormice just yet! But we did find blue tits, great tits, wood mice and bumblebees, with the boxes having 50% occupancy.


Willow Cutting

21st June, 2017

The willow for the maze has gone to its final home... But, we still have loads of the stuff left over, and it all needs cutting! Fortunately, a group from Admiral was on hand to help us attack another cell. They were also going to help us lay woodchip in the maze, but unfortunately, a nest of shrews had set up in the woodchip pile, so that had to wait for another day.


Avoiding Herbicides

August, 2017

A team of volunteers from Hugh James Solicitors came to help us tear the excess vegetation out of the dog runs, allowing us to avoid using chemicals on the weeds. Cheers guys!

Hugh James

Leaves and Weeds

September, 2017

Across the month, we had teams from both the Prince's Trust and Virgin Media come and help us keep the paths and boardwalks clear of leaves and overhanging weeds, to keep them useable. Thanks all!

Leaves and weeds

Bag a Log, Save a Dog

September, 2017

We partly manage the woodlands and the willow beds through coppice, and we've taken to sellin some of the leftover wood as firewood for log burners. This gives local residents the chance to use sustainable fuel in their log burners, and the proceeds can go to the animals. Admiral came in September and helped us to bag up some of the bounty.

Logs and dogs

Sand Marten Sanctuary

September, 2017

On with the sand martens! Good construction continued apace on our new sand marten boxes, and we only slightly fell in the lake. We also used the digger to deepen the spillway a little.

sand martens2

Getting into the Spirits

October, 2017

Hallowe'en is our biggest event of the year, and with both a woodland trail and a series of night-time walks to plan, we needed help with set-up! Fortunately, HSBC were on hand to give us a hand...

halloween setup

What the Elf?

November, 2017

The Christmas trail was to last a month, and so we needed all hands on deck to build some elf houses Out of willow! Fortunately, we got it - from Virgin Media, and from Sir Gar adult learners.

elf setup

The Big Plant Again

November, 2017

Autumn came and brought us EVEN MORE TREES!! :D :D :D We planted them with the help of students from UWTSD again, and have filled the lower slopes of the Horse Field with a mix of oak, birch, blackthorn, hawthorn, rowan and hazel.

big plant again
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RSPCA Llys Nini, Penllergaer

Swansea SA4 9WB

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