Environmental Volunteering

We always need volunteers at Llys Nini, so if you want to get involved with our work, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Below is a sample of what we did in 2018 as we worked on the project!
Pathfinder, Part 1
January, 2018
Part of the plan for making the site more accessible is to relay the path around the Horse Field with stone, rather than the turf it currently is, so that wheelchairs and prams can make it round. This January session saw the Prince's Trust come and lay a section for us. They also laid a path from the bottom of the Roman Road to the start of the Otter Boardwalk.

Return to Oz
March, 2018
Easter trails are always a big time of year for us, since they cover the holidays; so, in readiness for this year's theme (the Wizard of Oz) and all the work it entailed, we enlisted the help of some HSBC volunteers to get it all done.

Boardwalk Screening
April, 2018
We will be constructing a wildlife hide at the end of the Otter Boardwalk, but such things are obviously useless if the wildlife sees us coming. So, we harvested some more of our trusty willow beds with the help of some volunteers from Toyodo Gosei, and wove it into a dead screen for new plants to grow up.

Woodland Work
May, 2018
May began with some general woodland work with local volunteers to cut ivy from our mature ash trees (to help them withstand the ravages of ash dieback disease a little better), and to check on some older planted trees in Cae Erw. Special notice to Kite, the Litter Pick Dog!

Surveying 2018
Survey season begins again! As ever, Elanor is surveying the site - all 78 acres! - throughout the year, helped by a plucky group of volunteers.

Pathfinder, Part 2
May, 2018
The Horse Field Path continues! This time aided and abetted by HSBC.

Picnic Table Titivation
May, 2018
More corporate volunteers! And this time, they kindly came and lent a hand in some light woodland maintenance, and in painting our picnic benches, giving them a new lease of life. Cheers, guys!

Pathfinder, Part 3
July, 2018
Not one, not two, not three groups came this month to help on the Horse Field Path! Dylan Thomas Community School, Birchgrove Comprehensive, and more HSBC volunteers all came to help us out.