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Events at Llys Nini


Love your woodlands

Love Your Woodlands Trail

February is the month of love, but also the month of the half-term holidays! We celebrated with a Love Your Woodlands Trail, a simple little trail that gave visitors an i-Spy checklist to try and spot signs of the oncoming spring in the woods. Signs included new bluebell shoots, frogspawn, birds gathering nesting materials, and early flowers such as primroses and croci.

Wizard of oz

Wizard of Oz Easter Trail

Easter came, and so did the crowds! This year's theme was the Wizard of Oz, with visitors each receiving a little story book to follow the trail with. It was extremely popular. The site needed a rest afterwards!

Superhero Trail

One of our most popular trails yet, the superhero trail was that holy grail of events - fun AND educational! We set out six Llys Nini superheroes, each of whom had an animal-themed power: Frog Girl, Lady Dragonfly, Red Kite, Queen Bee, Blue Otter and Mr Wolf. For each hero, children could attempt to do that power; for example, like a dragonfly, Lady Dragonfly could flap her wings 30 times a second. Could the children do the same with their arms?


Pokemon Go Community Days

Entirely separately from us, Niantic, the company behind the global sensation that is Pokemon Go, has started launching "Community Days" - events once a month where a rare Pokemon is released en masse for three hours to encourage people to meet up and play together. This year our playground became a PokeStop in the game, so we are able to host our own community days.

Pokemon Go
Smart Phone Outline
Flag of Indonesia
Black Circle Badge
Black Circle Badge
Detective Trail

Detective Trail

Who stole Mole's special glasses?! Our Detective Trail returned, and visitors had to interview all five suspects and work out which animal was the culprit...

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RSPCA Llys Nini, Penllergaer

Swansea SA4 9WB

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RSPCA Llys Nini Registered Charity 224337


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